Dyslexia & Reading Problems
Help for Dyslexia & Reading Problems
A Simple Solution
Experts state there is no vision component to Dyslexia. Patients with Dyslexia see a world of moving words. Patients with Dyslexia will see letters move around the word in circles, back and forth and up and down, making it very difficult to comprehend words that make up a sentence. Patients with Dyslexia will describe moving words that pop out, and blurred letters beside clear letters in a word or sentence. Or they see shadow or double words or sentences.
Symptoms of Dyslexia and Reading Problems
Headaches when reading
Words are always moving around
Feels sleepy when reading
Genuine dislike for reading
- Failing to understand what was just read
Chromogen: A new treatment for Dyslexia![]()
90% of people who see words moving on the page when they read, will benefit from Chromagen. A prescription eyeglass filter lens that helps gain balance. Symptoms like blurring, or shadowing and doubling words, moving words-even nausea, eyestrain and headaches will make a patient/student read slower and create a hard time to understand what the student just read. Best reading and comprehension will come from eyes working together. Synchronized eyes allow blurry words to come into focus, and moving letters and words stop and become clear. Using ChromGen prescription lenses allow the symptoms of dyslexia to improve and even go away.
Dr. Chander has been helping patients read more efficiently and enjoyably using vision therapy and Chromagen lenses to help words stop jumping around, and help patient comprehend and learn and enjoy reading.
Click here for a survey on Dyslexia
The reason for the symptoms of dyslexia (dyslexia symptoms: words that pop in and out of focus, shadow or double vision or moving letters) is that the eyes are out of balance and not working together as a team.
Chromagen for Dyslexia does not require surgery or medicine or chemicals or drugs. Chromagen can help patients with Dyslexia. ChromaGen is available in three formats:
With or without prescriptions for Astigmatism, Farsightedness and nearnightedness can be custom made to your best vision prescription to correct your dyslexia
Contact Lenses
For patients who are very active, or would like full time correction of their dyslexia or colorblindness without glasses, contacts lenses can also be fit with or without prescriptions for nearsightedness, astigmatism and or farsightedness.
Clip Ons
Can be made to fit closely to the shape of your current glasses. Where your Chromagen Lenses when you need them instead of full time with this option for dyslexia correction.
There is a solution and fix to Dyslexia, that 90% of patients can be helped with. Stop in for a complimentary demonstration on how Dyslexia and reading problems can be resolved using this amazing technology!
Click on the following link to take a survey and find out if you may be affected by any vision disorders. http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1802681/Dyslexia-Survey
We look forward to seeing you soon!