Primary Eye Care Associates

LASIK and Nearsightedness: How Laser Eye Surgery Can Address Myopia

May 18, 2015 @ 11:01 AM — by Dr. Steven Chander
Tagged with: Lasik Nearsightedness

The team here at Primary Eye Care Associates is proud to offer patients in and around the greater Chicago area the latest and most effective vision correction treatments available. This includes LASIK and other laser eye surgery options, which enhances vision quality while also eliminating the dependence on glasses and contacts.

Since many patients who visit our practice wonder if LASIK is an ideal option for them, we'd like to look at whether or not LASIK is an effective option for treating nearsightedness.

About Nearsightedness (Myopia)

Nearsightedness refers to a condition in which it is easier to see objects that are nearby rather than objects that are at a distance. This is the result of a refractive error in which light passing through the eye is focused short of the retinas, the light-sensitive tissue located at the back of the eyes essential for proper vision.

Can LASIK treat nearsightedness (myopia)?


LASIK is highly effective at treating nearsightedness. In fact, LASIK is also an effective procedure for addressing farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism, two other kinds of refractive errors that affect your vision quality.

The LASIK Procedure and How It Works

During LASIK surgery, a small flap is created in the topmost layer of the cornea, which is the clear, frontal portion of a patient’s eye. The flap is lifted up so that a laser can reshape and recontour the cornea overall, improving the way that light passes through the eye and helping this light focus properly on the retina.

How effective is LASIK at treating nearsightedness (myopia)?

While it can vary from patient to patient, studies have found that great results are possible.

Numbers from a study at WebMD looked at patients with myopia and the prescription that LASIK helped them achieve. For nearsighted patients who experienced myopia of less than 6 diopters, 67 to 72 patients out of 100 experienced 20/20 vision or better; 95 to 96 patients out off 100 experienced 20/40 vision or better. For nearsighted patients who experienced myopia between than 6 and 12 diopters, 48 to 64 patients out of 100 experienced 20/20 vision or better; 89 to 94 patients out off 100 experienced 20/40 vision or better.

Ideal Candidates for LASIK Surgery

The best candidates for LASIK surgery:

Alternatives to LASIIK for Non-Candidates

If a patient is a poor candidate for LASIK, there are plenty of other procedures available that may be effective. For instance, another type of refractive surgery procedure may be considered, such as PRK, LASEK, or Epi-LASIK, all of which offer results comparable to LASIK.

If laser eye surgery is a poor option for a patient, the use of glasses or contacts will be the best possible option.

During the consultation process at our practice, we will work closely with patients to ensure that they get the treatment they need to experience the best vision possible.

Learn More About LASIK at Primary Eye Care Associates

For more information LASIK surgery and how it can help you achieve excellent eyesight, it's important that you contact our laser eye care center today. The team at Primary Eye Care Associates looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve excellent vision and healthy eyes.