Primary Eye Care Associates

Reduce the Symptoms of Eye Allergies

Apr 21, 2018 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Steven Chander
Tagged with: Eye Care

Many people suffer from seasonal or perennial (year-round) allergies. Allergies are commonly known to cause congestion, sneezing, and an itchy nose. But people with allergies also feel it in their eyes. 

Eye allergies can manifest in many ways. While some experience itchiness, redness, and excessive tearing, others suffer from dry eyes, which can cause discomfort and a burning sensation.

Dr. Steven Chander and the team at Primary Eye Care Associates offer tips on how to reduce the symptoms of eye allergies for our Chicago, IL patients.

Avoid Triggers

Some people can identify the things that trigger allergy attacks. Common sources of allergies include pollen, dust, dog or cat dander, and feathers (such as those in down bedding). The best way to reduce allergy symptoms is to avoid contact with known triggers. 

Of course, it may be easier to avoid exposure to some allergens than it is to others. For instance, it may be hard to reduce seasonal allergy attacks. You can stay indoors with the windows closed as much as possible when pollen counts are high. When outdoors, people with eye allergies should wear large sunglasses to protect the eyes.

Apply Cool Compresses

When the eyes are suffering from an allergy attack, they will likely feel itchy and irritated. Naturally, the first instinct is to respond by rubbing or itching the eyes. This can make allergy symptoms worse, and introduce new irritants to the eyes. 

Instead of scratching at itchy eyes and inflamed eyelids, it is best to apply cool compresses. Cool compresses can minimize irritation and reduce swelling. Patients should apply cool compresses for several minutes at a time, as frequently as possible throughout the day.

Use Artificial Tears

Artificial tears or saline eye drops are another great source of comfort when dealing with eye allergy symptoms. Artificial eye drops lubricate the eyes to relieve dry eye and minimize symptoms such as itching and burning. In addition, saline drops can help to flush the eyes, which will get rid of the allergens that are causing the allergy attack.

Consider Allergy Medications

Allergy medications can provide significant relief from allergy symptoms. There are many allergy medications to choose from. Both oral medications and medicated eye drops can help relieve eye allergy symptoms. 

Over-the-counter medications can provide short-term relief, but for control of more persistent symptoms, a prescription medication may be best. Dr. Chander can prescribe an allergy medication that is most appropriate for each patient’s unique needs, as well as recommend some over-the-counter products that may be helpful.

Contact Us

If you are suffering from eye allergy symptoms, Dr. Steven Chander and his team at Primary Eye Care Associates can help. Contact us at your earliest convenience to get some useful information about how to relieve the symptoms of eye allergies. We look forward to hearing from you!